App Features

Pre-Order Automation & Scheduling

Enable efficient inventory management, reduce the risk of stockouts, and maximize sales by allowing customers to purchase items before they are officially available

Pre-Order Automation Made Easy

  • Flexible Sales Timing

    Schedule your pre-order start and end dates, controlling the exact timing of pre-order availability. Align pre-orders with marketing campaigns, product launches, and seasonal sales, and maximize your sales potential.

  • Automated Inventory Management

    Managed Pre-Order inventory levels accurately without manual action and reduces the risk of overselling or underselling.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience

    Provide a clear timeframe for customers, setting accurate expectations for when products will be available. This transparency improves customer satisfaction and trust, encouraging repeat business and positive reviews

How to Automate & Schedule Pre-Orders

Read the step-by-step guide here ↗


Select Pre-Order Products

Pre-order availability can be automatically enabled or scheduled as stock runs out.


Set Pre-Order Dates

Enter the start and end dates for the pre-order period. Make sure to specify the exact time if needed.


Set Pre-Order Dates

Save your changes and ensure your pre-orders is activated on the product.

Top Stores,
Selling More
with Pre-Orders

Discover how stores like yours are thriving with Pre-Orders. Read our insights and case studies below.

“The Pre-order manager helps us a lot with inventory management, as we are now using it to help us reorder factories relying on the best selling products. It’s a way for us to not over produce and to not enter into this fast fashion idea that we as a brand don’t want to follow.” Key…

[Before using Amai’s Bulk Discount Manager app], running a sale while patching together several different apps and manual discount codes was overly convoluted and took way too much time to manage. Key Takeaways Implementation and Usage TwoWheelGear, a leader in bike commuting gear, faced significant challenges in managing sales efficiently. The process was fraught with…

When we conduct large sales or plan to run promotions across various brands, ensuring timely and swift changes can be challenging. In addition to managing my store, I work full-time, which means I don’t always have the opportunity to manually initiate sales or price changes. Discount Manager has been a game-changer, allowing me to schedule…

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Great App Features

Maximize your sales potential and learn how to best integrate the Shopify Pre-Order Manager with your business strategy.