Category Archives - How-To

How to Create Trigger-Based Upsell Popups on Shopify

Acquiring a new customer costs five times more than retaining an existing customer. In plain terms, it’s easier to sell to existing customers than to sell to a new customer. With this in mind, the concept of upselling becomes even more attractive and enticing for Shopify store owners. Leveraging upselling tactics via product recommendations could…

Tips for Using Urgency in Seasonal Campaigns on Shopify

Seasonal campaigns are important in e-commerce, as they utilize the dynamics of the seasons to offer timely promotions that connect with consumers. For seasonal campaigns to have the desired impact, there needs to be an element of urgency to make shoppers act faster. Adding urgency to these campaigns nudges consumer behavior towards faster decision-making, helping…

How to Reward Email Signups on Shopify

For Shopify and other e-commerce platforms, it’s critical to embed a robust email marketing strategy. The fact that the return on investment for email marketing has increased from $48 to $55 for every dollar spent is a pointer to the effectiveness of this marketing channel. This article delves into creative strategies that can help you…

How to Boost Sales with Free Shipping Banners on Shopify

Do you know that 66% of American consumers expect free shipping on all online orders? Boosting sales with free shipping banners on Shopify is a strategic move that taps into consumer expectations. With a significant percentage of American consumers expecting free shipping, offering this perk can be a game-changer for your online store.  How Shopify…

How to Add Announcement Banners to Your Shopify Store

In the United States, around 75% of online shoppers regularly look for images or visual content before making a purchase. Shopify announcement banners qualify as visual content as they’re among the first things visitors see on your website. A well-designed banner can create a positive first impression, enhancing the site’s appeal and professionalism. However, despite…

How to Set Up ‘Remind Me’ Email Alerts on Shopify

Email marketing has evolved from a mere communication tool into a vital component of e-commerce strategy. With the online market becoming increasingly saturated, email marketing has become a cornerstone of e-commerce success, offering a direct line to customers and boosting engagement and sales.  ‘Remind Me’ email alerts exemplify this trend, enabling merchants to gently nudge…

How to Implement a Quantity Bar on Shopify

The quantity bar on an e-commerce website provides a clear snapshot of an item’s availability or its sales volume. It serves as a subtle visual cue that informs users about product popularity and scarcity, directly impacting their buying behavior. In addition to creating a sense of urgency, this leverages the psychological principle of scarcity, making…

How to Add a Spin Wheel to Your Shopify Store

In the fiercely competitive world of e-commerce, engaging customers has become the cornerstone of digital retail success. The average e-commerce conversion rate is 2.5% to 3%, and many online stores have even lower conversion rates. With a cart abandonment rate of approximately 70%, there is a significant opportunity for improvement. Gamification, in its different forms,…