Success Stories
Discover How Our Apps Empower Merchants to Achieve Growth.
“Tiered discounts have been integral to our revenue growth, encouraging customers to purchase more to reach the next….
“The pre-order app has allowed us to offer products that might be delayed and are part of an upcoming launch or promotion….
“The Pre-order manager helps us a lot with inventory management, as we are now using it to help us reorder factories relying on the best….
[Before using Amai’s Bulk Discount Manager app], running a sale while patching together several different apps and….
When we conduct large sales or plan to run promotions across various brands, ensuring timely and swift changes can be….
We offer sitewide tiered discounts based on product variants however, Shopify only allows us to apply the same….
I wanted a solution that would do a store wide discount automatically that I could set a timed ending on. I used the app….
For our e-commerce platform, having a tool to schedule a wide range of discounts was critical. This included not only….
We were limited by Shopify on the amount of “variants” we were allowed per product. [The Bulk Discount Manager] allowed….
The bulk discount scheduler is a game-changer. It eliminates the manual labor of editing each product across various….
Key Takeaways Lollygag is an online store and lifestyle brand founded by Leo, Kiko, and their son Kai, focusing on creating….
AUTOID, a leading provider of aftermarket automotive parts, faced a significant challenge when COVID-19 caused freight….
MissionMercantile, a high-end leather goods retailer, found success in implementing a pre-order system to manage their….
Eastwood Guitars, a renowned guitar manufacturer, was able to significantly boost their revenue by implementing pre-….